
Teacher Survey: Mood Music for the Pandemic

  • Thank you for agreeing to help us evaluate our Utah Symphony school concerts. We value your feedback about the concert and the materials meant to help you prepare the students. Your comments will help us plan for future school concerts.

    We absolutely love fan mail. If you have the time, we would love to receive letters from your students! We enjoy reading their comments and seeing their drawings, and we also share them with the orchestra. Your students’ letters remind us just how much we love classical music and love our jobs! If you need inspiration for questions to ask them, please feel free to use those located at the bottom of this survey.

    Please send any letters to:

    Ky Johnson
    Utah Symphony and Opera
    336 N 400 W
    Salt Lake City, UT 84103

    You can also e-mail any thoughts to [email protected]. If you would like to discuss any of this by phone the Symphony Education Manager (Ky Johnson) can be reached at (801)869-9079.

  • Questions for students

    1. Can you name two things you liked about the concert?

    2. Did a family of instruments, or a particular instrument, have a sound that you really liked?

    3. Do you think you would like to play a musical instrument?

    4. If you already play an instrument, which one?

    5. Is there a question you still have about the concert or the music performed?