by Renée Huang, Director of Communications
Professional musicians spend much of their lives on the road performing in concert venues around the globe. Amid the hectic travel schedules, rehearsals, practice time, and adjustments to different time zones, culture, and climate, regular routine is sacrificed. We asked Baiba Skride to share what pre-concert rituals help keep her grounded.
“On a typical concert day I would probably have a rehearsal in the morning, so after that I would try to go for a walk, have a light lunch, perhaps salad. I always try to take a nap in the afternoon just to reboot my brain, even if it’s just for five minutes. Getting ready for a concert always involves doing my hair and makeup, which really relaxes me, so I will listen to music or watch a series during my ‘beauty’ hour. Depending on the time in the afternoon, I would probably practice some. I like to get to the concert hall about 30-40 minutes ahead of the time to properly warm up and change into concert clothes. I never eat directly before concert, but maybe have a bite of banana for the sugar and a cup of tea.
And that’s about it, nothing terribly exciting about getting ready. :)”
Baiba Skride Photo: Marco Borggreve
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