10 Dec 2024

Access to Music

This free, hour-long performance featuring the Utah Opera Resident Artists with the Utah Symphony allows valuable opportunities for all to experience professional live music without any expectations to remain seated or refrain from audible or physical reactions to the performance, expectations which can otherwise limit a person’s opportunity to attend a live performance. The house lights remain on and doors remain open for anyone wishing to relocate to a less acoustically active space.

Invitations to this free event are sent to schools and community groups and it is publicized on our website, registration is required.

“To have a night, where we felt like we belonged and we didn’t have to try to fit into the mold society sometimes creates, there were no rules we had to try our best (and fail) to follow, we were welcomed exactly as we are… felt like a real gift.” – Access to Music attendee


In collaboration with the Moran Eye Center, Utah Council for the Blind, and Guide Dogs for the Blind, Utah Opera will host its 28th annual Blind and Visually Impaired Night at the Opera during the orchestra dress rehearsal this spring. In a
pre-performance presentation, members of our artistic and education staff introduce the story, history, and themes of the opera. Fabric swatches from the production are passed around, providing a tactile element to the experience. During the performance, many audience members use provided headphones to listen to a live audio description of the events happening on stage. Patrons also have access to braille supertitle scripts provided by the Library for the Blind. This event additionally welcomes guide dogs in training and their handlers into the theatre as an opportunity to gain experience attending a live performance.

“Last night I felt so welcomed, accepted and included…
My world has been made a bit bigger and brighter again.” – Blind & Visually Impaired Night attendee

Audience members in a theater hold printed programs and read them.
A theater audience faces two people speaking on stage. A guide dog sits in the aisle, wearing a harness.